
  • Athene Cup

    • 07 Oct 2023

    • Open MeetingTravellers Series

  • Barton Regatta

    • 26 - 28 Aug 2023

    • Regatta

  • Norfolk Punt Championships

    • 19 - 20 Aug 2023

    • Open Meeting

  • NPC Punt Open

    • 24 - 25 Jun 2023

    • Open Meeting

  • Three Rivers Race

    • 03 - 04 Jun 2023

    • Navigation RaceTravellers Series

  • AGM 2022

    • 11 Nov 2022

    • AGM

    11th November at 19.30.

    The Nancy Oldfield Trust.
    Irstead Road. Neatishead. Norwich NR12 8BJ
    Repair to the White Horse PH after the meeting.

    Further details and Agenda to follow.

    Please provide notification of any proposals or items for
    inclusion in the agenda within by the 25th of October

  • Tri-Icicle

    • 23 Oct 2022

    • Navigation RaceTravellers Series

    Date To Be Confirmed

  • Athene Cup

    • 08 Oct 2022

    • Navigation RaceTravellers Series
  • Barton Regatta

    • 27 - 29 Aug 2022

    • Regatta
  • Punt Championships

    • 20 - 21 Aug 2022

    • Open Meeting
  • Hickling Summer Regatta

    • 06 - 07 Aug 2022

    • Regatta

  • NPC Punt Open

    • 25 - 26 Jun 2022

    • Open Meeting
  • Hickling Punt Open

    • 12 Jun 2022

    • Open Meeting
  • The Cock of the Broads

    • 05 Jun 2022

    • Navigation RaceTravellers Series

  • The Three Rivers Race

    • 28 - 29 May 2022

    • Navigation RaceTravellers Series

  • Annual General Meeting

    • 25 Feb 2022

    • AGM
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©2023 Norfolk Punt Owners Association

Most photographs by kind permission © Robin Myerscough